Taking a glance at NearForever’s Myspace page I couldn’t it help notice the headline reading: "the well is drying... but we will return..." leaving me to assume the meaning behind those wisely chosen words may mean that they are taking a really long break and eventually getting back together, or maybe it can mean that NF is coming back but only this time with new members. I don’t necessary know what that quote means exactly but whatever the case maybe, from what I see NF is not officially done and I hope I’m not wrong. There is reason to believe that NF is not officially done because their Myspace page is not dead in terms of updates and changes, I find that every month or so something changes to the site, top friends, old songs being put up, photos, and even blogs; there was actually a blog posted on January 30th of 2008 pertaining to proceeds from (Snocap) will be donated to various charity organizations.
There are many things that I miss about NearForever’s sound, like in the E.P. that was released back in 2005 (Few and Far Between) there were songs such as “Explosions” and “Intervention” with more of an early non-experimental sound with the great “Vignola scream” as we use to call it, it’s pretty self explanatory just take a listen to the background screams in the record. Also back then there were two guitarists. I love the E.P. put out in 2006 (On Borrowed Time) which had more of an experimental kind of vibe, out of the two records, the one thing that has never changed is with NF is Randall’s spoken words during songs which is pretty unique if you ask me. Bottom line, it would be nice for it to be like old times, I would hate to see a band like this to go to waste. Then maybe the thorn in my side will finally be taken out.
"I asked for an education, they handed me a gun"-Start Over
Be sure to go out, have fun, be drunk, buy albums and check out your local music scene-Jason Franquiz